Guide for Newcomers to PEI, Canada
لست بوحدك. نحن جميعا فيه معا. احصل على المساعدة إذا كنت في حاجة إليها.

أخبار - إعلانات - أحداث قادمة

أشياء يجب معرفتها

Get Involved: Opportunity to Serve on IRSA Board of Directors
يون 12 2024
We are looking for expressions of interest
Immigrant & Refugee Services Association PEI is seeking expressions of interest from people who would like to serve on the Board of Directors.
ساعات العمل في رابطة IRSA خلال العطلة
ديس 12 2023
المكاتب مغلقة من عيد الميلاد وحتى يوم رأس السنة الجديدة
سيتم إغلاق مكاتب IRSA في شارلوتاون وسامرسايد خلال العطلات بدءًا من ظهر يوم الجمعة 22 ديسمبر 2023.
IRSA Request for Proposal: Organizational Strategy Development Consultant
يول 11 2023
Submission deadline: July 24, 2023 at 5:00 PM
IRSA is seeking a skilled and experienced consultant to provide direction and governance guidelines to help guide and elevate our association towards our long-term growth goals, with a focus on the next funding cycle.
IRSA Employment Opportunity: Newcomer Orientation Coordinator
ماي 08 2023
Deadline to apply: 19 May
IRSA is hiring a full-time Newcomer Orientation Coordinator. The primary area of focus for this position is to provide information and orientation services to adult newcomers who have recently arrived in PEI.

أشياء يمكن فعلها

Thirty Years of IRSA Celebration
Join us as we are celebrate our 30th anniversary!
Help us mark the occasion on Friday, 15 September at the Beaconsfield Historic House. There will be delicious international snacks, music, activities for kids, and more.
test event 2 schmigadoo
test 2

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