Renting A Home
When looking for an apartment, house or room to rent, keep in mind that you may be living in the place you pick for a long time, so it is important to choose one that you like.
Finding a Place to Rent
There are many different ways you can look for an apartment, house, or room to rent in PEI. Here are some ideas:
- Classifieds: The advertisement section of newspapers list house, apartment, and room rentals.
- Rental Listing Websites: There are many websites which list rental ads. You can use a search engine to find them. [See Related Resources]
- Bulletin Boards: Look in community centres, laundromats, grocery stores, and other local businesses for ads. If you are a student at Holland College or UPEI, check with their Student Services Department for the availability of student housing both on and off campus.
- Signs: Walk around neighbourhoods that interest you and look for signs that say 'For Rent' or 'For Lease'.
- Family and Friends: Some people find places to rent through personal contacts. Ask your friends, family, co-workers, and others if they know of any available rentals.

Important Things to Do Before You Rent
Once you find an apartment, house, or room that fits your budget and personal needs, you need to do the following:
- Confirm the rental amount, when it should be paid each month, and what is included in the rent (heat, electricity, hot water, snow removal, grass cutting, parking, etc.).
- Find out if a damage deposit is required by the landlord, how much it is, and the process to get it back when you move out.
- Check to see if the space you are renting is in good condition. Tell landlord about any repairs or damages and ask to have them fixed before you move in or sign a lease.
- Some landlords require that you sign a lease or rental agreement. Make sure you understand what you are signing. If not, you should seek advice from someone who understands lease agreements.
If you have a dispute with you landlord about your rental agreement, you can contact the office of the Director of Residential Rental Property. [See Related Resources]