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Online Guide for Newcomers to Prince Edward Island, Canada

Buying a Home

In PEI most common type of home people own is a house or a duplex. You can also buy an apartment (condo) or a townhouse. A condo can be more expensive than a house. Apartments are more commonly rented than owned in PEI.

There are benefits if you own a house. Buying a house is an investment and at the same time builds equity for you and your family.

At the beginning of 2014, the average price for a home in PEI was about $177,500. The Canadian national average was about $416,500. Housing prices change depending on market trends.

Things to Know Before You Buy a House

There are many things to be considered when you are making an offer to buy a house, such as:

  • When you buy a house you must first pay a minimum of 5% of the purchase price. This is called the 'down-payment'.
  • A 1% Real Property Transfer Tax will be added to the selling price. You will not be charged this tax if you are a first time home buyer.
  • There may be other fees like appraisal fees and mortgage insurance.
  • It is important to get a house inspection done as a condition of your offer. Look in the Yellow Pages under 'Home Inspection Service'. The inspector will look for things like cracks in the foundation, leaks, problems with plumbing, wiring, etc. To make sure you are protected from these problems, you, the home buyer, contract the inspector.
  • If the house has its own water well, you need to have a water test completed at your expense. You do not need the water tested if you are connected to the community water supply.
  • If the house has an oil tank, the seller is responsible for filling the oil tank before the change of ownership, unless you make a different arrangement with the seller.
  • You will need to hire a qualified lawyer to make sure the legal documents are completed correctly. You can compare prices and services at different law firms, as the fees can vary.
  • Each year you will have to pay property tax. The amount depends on the value and location of the house.

Where to Find Houses for Sale

There are many different ways you can look for a house to buy in PEI. Here are some ideas:

  • Realtors: Find a realtor or real estate agent that you can trust who will help you with your search for a new home.
  • PEI Real Estate Guide: This guide is published each Thursday in The Guardian. It shows pictures, locations, descriptions, and prices of properties on sale.
  • Sale Signs: Walk or drive around neighbourhoods that interest you and look for signs that say 'For Sale'.
  • Open Houses: Real estate agents often have 'open houses' on Saturdays or Sundays. This is a good opportunity to see the inside of a house and ask questions. Open houses are listed in the classified section of the newspaper or on the 'Open House' signs on nearby streets.
  • Classifieds: The advertisement section of newspapers lists houses for sale.
  • PEI Buy, Sell & Trade: This classified advertising publication has a real estate section.
  • Bulletin Boards: Look in community centres, laundromats, grocery stores, and other local businesses for ads that say 'House for Sale'.
  • Friends and Family: There are also houses for private sale by the owner. Some people find houses to buy through personal contacts. Ask your friends, family, co-workers, and others if they know of anyone planning to sell their house.

Related Resources

More Information

Some Real Estate Listings Online

Real Estate Agents

Related Topics in this Guide

Open House
This sign means a real estate agent or a home owner are showing the house on sale to potential buyers.

Creative Commons License
Online Guide for Newcomers to Prince Edward Island, Canada © by Immigrant & Refugee Services Association of PEI (IRSA) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported License.

We have made every effort to ensure that the information in this Guide is accurate and up-to-date. If you find of any errors or omissions, please contact us.