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Online Guide for Newcomers to Prince Edward Island, Canada

Other Health Care Services

There are a number of other health care services and programs available to assist you with your health care needs. Some of those services are provided by the provincial health care system, and some by private practice health clinics.

Some of the provincial health care services are free for PEI residents, and for some there are fees. Some for-fee services are free for low-income families and children. Most of these services are listed under 'Health' in the Blue Pages (government) section of your phone book, or online [See Related Resources].

Here are some of the health care services and programs offered in PEI:

School Health Program

School Health program ensures that all elementary and junior high schools on the Island receive regular visits from Public Health Nurses. The nurses work with teachers to maintain a healthy school environment and assists with the health-related curriculum and classes. Services include vision and hearing screening tests, and health education.


Public Health Nursing offices provide immunization services for infants and pre-school children. Immunization is also offered through the public school system at no cost to all Island residents under 18 years of age or while attending school.

Seasonal flu vaccination is also available to all PEI residents at a low cost. [See Related Resources]

Children's Dental Care Program

Children's Dental Care Program is offered to PEI children 3 to 17 years of age, and it includes preventive services, diagnostic and treatment services.

Preventive services include oral health education, cleaning and fluoride application. These services are provided by Dental Public Health staff in schools or preventive clinics. There is no cost for these services.

Diagnostic and treatment services are open to children ages 3 to 17 without a private dental insurance plan. They include examinations, x-rays, fillings, extractions, and root canal treatments on front teeth. There is an annual registration fee of $15 to a maximum of $35 per family. Parents are also expected to pay a parent's contribution of 20% of the cost of treatment services (fillings, extractions). Families with a net annual income of less than $30,000 can apply for an exemption of the parent's contribution. [See Related Resources] These services are provided by private practice dentists and/or Dental Public Health clinics.

Adult Dental Program

Adult Dental Program is a pilot dental health program for adult Island residents with low incomes. With proof of income, this program will provide treatment for adults with dental problems. There is usually a long waiting time for this service unless you are experiencing dental pain or infection.
[See Related Resources]

Public Health and Family Nutrition Program

The purpose of the Public Health and Family Nutrition Program is to improve the health and well-being of the population by promoting healthy eating, enjoyment of food, and positive eating behaviours, all of which help healthy growth and development and prevent chronic disease. The Program is particularly designed for pregnant women, infants, children, and low-income families, and it offers education and assistance in prenatal nutrition, breastfeeding, and nutrition education and consultation.

Community Mental Health Services

The Community Mental Health Services offer professional assessment, consultation, treatment, psychological crisis intervention, medication monitoring, outreach, and needed support for persons with moderate to severe mental health problems and illnesses. Clients can access most of these services themselves or can be referred by their family doctor or nurse practitioner.

Speech-Language Pathology Program

Speech-Language Pathology Program for preschool children and adults provides assessment, consultation, and intervention services for individuals who have communication difficulties. These may include speech sound articulation problems, language difficulties, stuttering, voice problems, etc. Priority in this program is given to preschool children.

Audiology Program

The Audiology Program provides assessment, diagnosis, and rehabilitation to individuals who have auditory disorders or hearing problems. Children can access the Audiology Program directly, and adults require a referral from their family doctor or nurse practitioner.

Provincial Diabetes Program

The purpose of the Diabetes Program is to maintain or enhance the quality of life for people affected by diabetes in PEI. This is done by providing diabetes education and management advice to clients and their families. Those living with diabetes who need assistance can contact the program directly to set up an appointment with a nurse, dietitian or social worker. Referral from a clinician is not required.

Home Care Program

Home Care Program provides health care and support services to assist individuals who need help due to illness, injury or old age. The Program helps clients recover or maintain health, and achieve and maintain personal independence. These services supplement the care and support available from family and friends.

The Program provides needs assessment, care coordination, nursing, personal care, occupational and physical therapies, palliative care, community-based dialysis, assessment for nursing home admission and community support services, etc.

Family Health Benefit Program

Family Health Benefit Program helps families with children with the cost of approved prescription drugs. Eligibility is based on family size and the net family income from the previous year.

Addictions Services

Addictions Services help Islanders with addiction problems live healthy, successful lives without relying on alcohol, drugs, or addictive behaviours. Treatment is based on a disease model with a goal of abstinence through the support of self-help groups.

Addiction Services are provided through offices in the Prince, Queens, and Kings Counties. The Provincial Addictions Treatment Facility in Mt. Herbert provides both inpatient (overnight) and outpatient treatment.

Smoking Cessation Program

The Smoking Cessation Program is designed to help smokers stop using tobacco. Individual and group counselling programs are available across the province at no cost.

Creative Commons License
Online Guide for Newcomers to Prince Edward Island, Canada © by Immigrant & Refugee Services Association of PEI (IRSA) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported License.

We have made every effort to ensure that the information in this Guide is accurate and up-to-date. If you find of any errors or omissions, please contact us.