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Online Guide for Newcomers to Prince Edward Island, Canada

Having a Baby

If you are expecting a child, plan ahead, and remember the PEI health care system is there to help you. The cost of prenatal (before birth) and postnatal (after birth) care is covered if you have the PEI Health Card. [See Related Resources]

If you think you are pregnant, you should contact your family doctor. Your doctor can give you information on how to take care of yourself and your baby during the pregnancy, and can also refer you to an obstetrician—a doctor who specializes in pregnancy and childbirth.

Before the Baby is Born

Prenatal Check-ups

Ideally, prenatal care begins even before you become pregnant. If you are planning to become pregnant, it is wise to discuss your plans with your family doctor and to have a complete medical check-up.

During pregnancy, you should have regular medical check-ups. The doctor will conduct or recommend tests to help ensure that both you and your baby stay healthy.

Prenatal Assessment and Classes

When you are pregnant, your doctor can refer you to Public Health Nursing for a prenatal assessment and classes. A prenatal assessment is a one-on-one meeting with a nurse. The nurse can review your prenatal and postnatal needs and give you information on supports available to you in your community.

The nurse can also book you for prenatal classes, which cover such things as nutrition, childbirth preparation, hospital preview, breastfeeding, etc. Partners are welcome to attend those classes as well.

Giving Birth

Hospital is the only option for women in PEI to give birth with doctors and nurses attending to them. Partners are welcome to be present at childbirth to support the mother.

Midwives and doula care are presently available in PEI, but you have to pay for the services yourself.

Contact the Women's Network PEI for more information on birthing alternatives in PEI.
[See Related Resources]

After the Baby is Born


When your baby is born you will need to:

  • register the birth and apply for the Canada Child Benefit (CCB)
  • get a birth certificate
  • apply for a Social Insurance Number (optional)

Within 30 days of the birth of a child in PEI, the birth must be registered with Vital Statistics. This is usually done in the hospital after your baby is born.

While filling in the registration of birth form you will name your newborn. It is very important that you fill out the form correctly. If you need help, ask the hospital staff for assistance. As a parent, you must also provide your full birth name and the place where you were born.

The birth certificate is the official document that contains information from the birth registration. It can be obtained after the birth registration has been processed and registered by Vital Statistics in person, or ordered by mail or online. [See Related Resources]

Public Health Nurses

Public Health Nurses will visit or call all new mothers when they return home from the hospital. They are available to help parents with healthy child care practices. If a problem develops, a nurse will assist the family to find help.

Family Resource Centres

Family Resource Centres across PEI offer programs for parents, parents-to-be, infants, children, and their families. These programs provide parent education and support groups, parenting resources, prenatal programs, drop-in play times, toy-lending libraries and outreach for smaller Island communities.


Families who want information about adopting a child, or birth parents who are thinking about giving a child up for adoption, may contact the government department in charge of the Adoption Program, or a licensed adoption agent.

The family adopting a child must undergo a family assessment, and the social and medical history of the child to be adopted must be completed by an authorized social worker. If giving a child up for adoption, the birth parents must receive counselling.


If you and your partner or spouse are experiencing difficulty conceiving a child, you can consult your doctor. If either of you is found to have infertility problems, your doctor can refer you to specialists in this area. However, you should be aware that the PEI Health Card does not cover the costs of fertility specialists or treatments.

Family Planning

Heterosexual couples who are sexually active, and do not wish to have a child, should consider birth control. Talk to your family doctor or nurse practitioner about the birth control options that best suit your lifestyle. Condoms and some other birth control products are available at most drug stores in the 'Family Planning' section.

In Canada, there are no legal restrictions on abortion. Regulations and accessibility vary from province to province. In PEI, surgical and medical abortions are available without a doctor's referral through the Women's Wellness Program. [See Related Resources]

Creative Commons License
Online Guide for Newcomers to Prince Edward Island, Canada © by Immigrant & Refugee Services Association of PEI (IRSA) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported License.

We have made every effort to ensure that the information in this Guide is accurate and up-to-date. If you find of any errors or omissions, please contact us.