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Online Guide for Newcomers to Prince Edward Island, Canada

Interim Federal Health Program for Refugees

The Interim Federal Health Program (IFHP) is managed by Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC). This program is designed for certain groups of refugees and refugee claimants in Canada who are unable to pay for necessary health care services. Refugees and refugee claimants who are eligible for the IFHP may have some partial coverage for health services that are not covered by the PEI Health Card, for up to 12 months after their arrival in Canada.

The IFHP provides coverage for things like:

  • emergency dental care
  • eye exam and glasses
  • some prescribed medications
  • contraception (birth control)
  • immunization
  • immigration medical exam

If you are an eligible refugee or refugee claimant, you should get your IFHP document as soon as you arrive in PEI. Ask your settlement worker to assist you with this process.

Take your IFHP document, Permanent Resident Card, and PEI Health Card any time you use health services in PEI. Sometimes prior approval is needed before the IFHP will pay for the medical services not covered by the Health Card. You should consult with your settlement worker before using those services. The IFHP will not pay your money back to you if you have already paid for medical services or prescription medications.

Creative Commons License
Online Guide for Newcomers to Prince Edward Island, Canada © by Immigrant & Refugee Services Association of PEI (IRSA) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported License.

We have made every effort to ensure that the information in this Guide is accurate and up-to-date. If you find of any errors or omissions, please contact us.