This section of the Guide is intended for parents or guardians of school-aged children who are attending or about to attend kindergarten, elementary, intermediate or high school in PEI. Information on colleges and universities can be found under Adult Education section. Students themselves may find some of this information helpful:
General Information
In Canada, public schools are governed by school boards. There are two public school offices in Prince Edward Island:
- Public Schools Branch (governs English language public schools)
- French Language School Board (La Commission scolaire de langue française)
There are also private schools in PEI. They are not governed by the public school boards or funded by public funds.
Some parents choose to 'home educate' their children -- children stay at home and their parents (both or one of them) act as teachers. If this is their choice, parents must indicate their intention and submit their education plan to the Department of Education. [See Related Resources]
PEI Public Education School Levels
- Kindergarten (mandatory pre-school education; children who are at least 5 years of age, or will turn 5 by December 31st of the school year can be enrolled)
- Elementary school (grades 1 - 6)
- Intermediate school (also called 'junior high school', grades 7 - 9)
- High school (grades 10 - 12)
Public education is free for all permanent residents in PEI, from kindergarten to grade 12. Colleges and universities do receive some public funds, but they are not free.
It is important to remember that, because of the length of time it takes to learn a new language, some newcomer students may not be able to graduate by the age of seventeen or eighteen like some of their Canadian-born peers. Much depends on each student's level of English or grade level at the time of arrival in Canada.
Note that the marking system in PEI schools may be different from the one in your country of origin. Usually, in elementary grades students get descriptive marks, and further on they are marked by percentages and marks from A (the best mark) to F (the worst, failing mark). Talk to your child's teacher to find out more about the marking system in his or her school and grade level.

School Zoning
Which school your child attends is determined by where you live. Students attending the school zoned for their living area may have transportation (school buses) to and from school.
If your home is close to the school (walking distance), your child may not be assigned a school bus.
Youth Settlement Services
The first step of enrolling an immigrant student into the school system is for parents or guardians of school-aged children to arrange an appointment with the Youth Settlement Services (YSS) team at the PEIANC. The youth settlement specialists help families with school registration and advocate for immigrant students in the school system. [See Related Resources]
The following is required at initial intake:
- Proof of child's age -- a birth certificate or passport
- Proof of address -- apartment lease or rental agreement with your name and address
- Proof of child's immigration status -- Record of Landing document or confirmation of permanent residence
- Immunization record -- proof that your child has been immunized in the country of origin
- Records of previous education or past transcripts -- to help place your child in appropriate grade level
Every new immigrant student is required to have a meeting at the EAL / FAL Reception Centre, Department of Education (EAL = English as an Additional Language, FAL = French as an Additional Language). After the intake process, with the parent's or guardian's permission, an assessment specialist will administer a language assessment with the child. This is to determine how much additional English or French language support the child will need once he or she enters the school system. The YSS team at the PEIANC will assist by making an appointment for the assessment and, if requested, arrange an interpreter.
Based on the results of the language assessment, the assessment specialist will make recommendations for language support. It may be recommended for the student to work with an EAL or FAL Itinerant Teacher in the school, in coordination with regular classes. If the student already has strong language skills in English or French, he or she will be recommended for regular content classes with no additional language support.
Itinerant Teachers assist students in meeting the curricular goals of their school program. Students are monitored throughout the year to determine their progress and to assess any need for additional support.
Education in French Language
The majority of school programs in PEI are in English. If French is the language of preference for your child, there are several options:
- Core French starting in grade 4
- French Immersion Program starting in kindergarten
- French Immersion Program starting in grade 7 (also called "late immersion")
- French First Language Program
Many parents choose to enrol their child in a French Immersion program even if they are not francophone. French is an official language in Canada, knowing it can mean more education and employment opportunities in the future.
Note that not all schools offer French programs mentioned above.
Grade Placement
When students register for school, their grade placement is determined by their age and the grade they completed in their country of origin.
Registration at School
Once the school, grade level, and EAL or FAL support needs are determined, a registration appointment will be set up for the child and the parent or legal guardian at the school. An interpreter (if needed), a representative from the Department of Education's EAL / FAL Reception Centre, and a school administrator will all be present. They will give the student and the parent or legal guardian a school tour and important information about the school.
All newcomer parents and students will be invited to a School System Orientation Session. An interpreter will be there to ensure that everyone gets all the information in their first language.
School Policies
School policies are rules and regulations set up to ensure acceptable behaviour of students and school staff, to the benefit of everyone involved. Here are some sample policies in Prince Edward Island schools:
Caring Places to Learn Policy
This policy is designed to ensure schools provide a healthy, safe, and supportive working and learning environment for every student and school staff member. The policy guides the way people in schools treat each other, directing that students and staff demonstrate regard, concern, and respect for the unique differences and worth of every individual.
This policy includes a "hands-off" rule - if a student does not make physical contact with another student, there can be no confusion over the intent.
There is zero tolerance for any behaviour involving abuse, violence, discrimination, bullying, sexual abuse, threats, trespassing, and possession of weapons.
Attendance Policy
Regular attendance is necessary in order to maintain your children's opportunity for learning and to meet the evaluation requirements. Parents or guardians should contact the school or send a note if their child will not be attending classes or needs to leave school early.
Disciplinary Procedures
Disciplinary actions will depend on the severity and frequency of offences. They can include warnings, noon or after-school detention, contacting parents, extra school work, interviews, suspensions from extra-curricular activities, or suspension from school. In Canada, teachers are not allowed to use physical punishment on children.
Extra-Curricular Policy
Extra-curricular activities are school-related activities that take place outside the classroom. Some examples of extra-curricular policies are:
- Parent consent forms must be completed prior to any extra-curricular activities. No signature means no participation.
- Applicable fees must be paid.
- Students follow the general rules of conduct.
- If a child is dismissed or suspended from school as a result of a disciplinary procedure, the dismissal or suspension will include extra-curricular activities.
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Books that are borrowed from the school library, as well as the text books received at school, should be returned in acceptable condition. |
Most schools have regulations on using cell phones and other electronic devices. In most schools, it is forbidden to use such devices during class, and in some, students are not allowed to use them at all on school property. |
Students are not permitted to possess, sell or be under the influence, of any illegal substances (alcohol and drugs) on school property or at school-sponsored events. Smoking is not allowed on school property. |
In order to ensure their safety, students must respect their bus driver, and pay attention to what they tell them. Any misconduct on a bus will be reported to school officials. |
Additional Information
Some additional things to keep in mind:
Students, with parental support, are responsible for the completion of homework. Contact your child's teacher if you notice she or he is struggling with the school assignments.
Parent/Teacher Interviews
Two formal parent/teacher interviews are held each school year. Participation is strongly recommended. Besides the scheduled interviews, a parent may schedule a meeting with a teacher at any time.
PEIANC will provide an interpreter for parent/teacher interviews, and other communication with the school, if necessary.
Appropriate Clothing and Personal Hygiene
In PEI schools children do not wear uniforms. Students should wear clothing that is appropriate for a school setting. It is not acceptable to wear T-shirts or other clothing with messages that are profane or promote illegal or immoral activity.
Make sure your children are dressed for the weather when outside. In the winter time, it can get very cold, and students should wear hats, winter jackets, snow pants, mittens/gloves and winter boots.
Students are required to wear gym clothes and appropriate sports shoes for Physical Education class.
Paying attention to personal hygiene is strongly recommended, out of respect for self and others. Strongly scented personal hygiene products should be avoided when attending school, as there are people who are bothered by strong scents or have allergies.
Eating at School
Breakfast Program -- A nutritious breakfast is available at some elementary and intermediate schools at no cost to students. Students who would like to participate should be in school about 30 minutes before classes start.
Lunch -- Elementary school children are not permitted to leave the school grounds unless they have written permission from their parents. Children must bring lunch from home. Lunch is eaten in the classroom. There is also a snack time in the morning for elementary and intermediate students.
In intermediate and high schools there are cafeterias where students can buy lunch, or eat the food they bring from home. Beginning in grade 8 students are usually allowed to leave school grounds during lunch if they wish.
Personal Belongings
Elementary students must keep indoor shoes at school, which they wear upon arriving to class. They will be provided with a compartment where they can store their outdoor shoes, jackets, lunch box, etc.
In intermediate and high schools lockers are assigned to each student. Lockers are intended for the safe storage of clothing and books. Students should keep their lock combination secret and the locker locked.

What to do if your child is unhappy?
Children may feel anxious about all the changes taking place in their lives. This can affect the way they think and feel.
School staff and the YSS team can help you if your child has problems. You should contact the teacher or YSS staff if your child:
- is unhappy at school
- needs more help with learning language
- does not understand the school work
- finds the work too difficult or too easy
- is having problems with other children