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Online Guide for Newcomers to Prince Edward Island, Canada

Youth Programs, Organizations and Resources

Adjustment to a new life in a new country can be particularly challenging for a teenager. Learning a new language, attending an unfamiliar school, and finding new friends can be difficult. Engaging in youth activities outside of school, participating in the community, learning about the new environment, or reaching out for help if facing specific challenges can be helpful to a young newcomer.

Here are some organizations and resources available to youth in the province of Prince Edward Island.
See links under Related Resources on the right side of the page

PEIANC Programs for Youth

The PEIANC's Youth Settlement Services (YSS) offer many programs, services and activities for school-aged children and youth, including social and educational programs and workshops, gender-based group programs like BroZone and Girls Circle, youth sports assistance and sports camps, and summer programs.

Boys and Girls Clubs

Boys and Girls Clubs help young people to discover, develop, and achieve their best potential as they grow to become Canada's future adults, citizens, and leaders, by engaging them in activities that challenge and help them develop healthy minds and bodies. There are three Boys and Girls Clubs operating in PEI - in Charlottetown, Summerside, and Wellington.

LGBTQ Youth Group Charlottetown

This youth group is a partner project of PEERS Alliance and Pride PEI. It is open to all youth ages 18 and under – regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity. Participants are not asked to identify, and allies are welcome to attend. Each meeting is facilitated by trained staff and volunteers. This is an opportunity to meet peers, contribute to discussion, and participate in fun activities. The group meets on the last Tuesday of each month, 6:00pm - 8:00pm at the Murphy's Community Centre in Charlottetown.

Prince Edward Island Reach Foundation

The PEI Reach Foundation operates the Reach Centre, a safe stigma-free environment for youth who are in recovery from addiction and mental health issues. The Centre provides an opportunity for Island youth to learn new life skills, set personal goals through a work experience program, and develop a plan for continued education all while being surrounded by support and other young people experiencing similar challenges.

CLIA: Legal Information for Youth

In PEI there are many laws and regulations that specifically address the rights and responsibilities of young people. Community Legal Information Association PEI (CLIA PEI) has developed a website with information about the law in Prince Edward Island related to youth under 18 years of age. This information covers topics related to age and the law (such as human rights, driving a car, alcohol and tobacco, etc.), Child Protection Act, healthy relationships, crime and justice, and the legal aspects of being a parent while under 18.

Kids Help Phone

Kids Help Phone (KHP) is a Canadian counselling and information service provider for young people. It employs trained professional counsellors available over the phone or online 24/7. This free and anonymous service supports young people as they build the skills and abilities they'll need to improve their emotional health and well-being. In addition to an array of counselling options, KHP offers young people a wide range of online resources and shares young people's perspectives on a societal level – locally, nationally, and globally.

Creative Commons License
Online Guide for Newcomers to Prince Edward Island, Canada © by Immigrant & Refugee Services Association of PEI (IRSA) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported License.

We have made every effort to ensure that the information in this Guide is accurate and up-to-date. If you find of any errors or omissions, please contact us.