SCAM ALERT—It has come to our attention that scammers are using IRSA's identity to scam potential immigrants overseas. More information

Canada School

An orientation program to help newcomers adjust to life in Canada


Canada School program is designed for newcomers to Canada who are new to PEI or have lived here for under two years, but all newcomers are welcome to participate. The program offers a series of presentations on various topics, delivered online or in person.

Each topic is presented by the Orientation Coordinator and/or subject matter experts, and participants can ask related questions in a supportive, friendly environment. The topics are:

  • Life in PEI and Canada
  • Transportation, insurance, and communications
  • Government programs and services
  • Banking, managing finances, and security
  • Housing and apartment living
  • Canadian health care
  • Education, training, helping children succeed
  • Family life and parenting
  • Culture shock, coping with stress, mental health
  • Employment and workplace culture
  • Canadian law and legal rights
  • Recreation and activities for everyone

To find out the schedule, contact us and request to sign up for our newsletter, or follow us on Facebook.

For more information, contact: