Snowshoeing on the Pigot Trail
In view of current icy conditions and forecast, we are reluctantly cancelling the snowshoe event. If there is adequate snowfall in mid-to-late February, it may be rescheduled. Thanks to all who showed interest.

The event was scheduled for February 2nd. The Hillsborough River Association members are disappointed to cancel as there were more than a hundred registrations. We hope to hold the event later in the winter, weather permitting. If this happens, all the details will be posted here.
Everyone is welcome! This healthy and fun outdoor activity is free for participants and open to all ages (children to seniors) and abilities. Partakers can proceed at their own pace. If you do not have snowshoes, pairs will be available.
This event is hosted by the Hillsborough River Association with the assistance and support of the Eastern Region Sport and Recreation Council (GO! EAST PEI) and the Municipality of Mount Stewart.
Starting point: Community Centre, South Main Street, Mount Stewart
Date: Saturday, 2 February
Time: gathering at 9:30 am, snowshoeing at 10:00 am
The event will begin with refreshments, fitting of snowshoes, a brief snowshoeing clinic for those new to the activity, and an orientation to the Pigot’s Trail. Tour leaders will assist with the bird, plant, and wildlife track identification, and share some local history and interesting facts. The approximately 1.5-hour outing on Pigot’s Trail adjacent to the scenic Hillsborough River will end at the Community Centre for refreshments and socializing.
To help the organizers, participants are kindly asked to register in advance by Wednesday, 23 January. Registrations will also be accepted at 9:30 am on the day of the event.
To register in advance please email Jacob. For further information contact Glen by telephone at 902-393-0163.