Counselling support services


Counselling support workers at IRSA help new immigrants in dealing with psychological and environmental factors that may have a negative impact on their settlement and adaptation process. These factors can play a role in determining a newcomer's future in Canada in terms of mental health, academic and economic success, and social integration.

The challenges new immigrants face may include adapting to the Canadian way of life, understanding laws and meeting societal expectations. Counselling support workers assist individuals and families by securing a safe, confidential and supportive environment to discuss concerns, help with individual problem-solving and work towards goals and personal skills.

The counselling support takes place at IRSA or in the clients' homes, through individual interventions or the coordination of small support group sessions.

Parenting workshops

As part of counselling support services, IRSA regularly organizes parenting workshops for new immigrants.

All parents deal with the typical parenting issues such as parent-child communication, peer relationships, and discipline; but immigrant parents are often learning a whole new cultural system in a new language at the same time. Parenting workshops are organized sessions discussing topics like active parenting skills, building family relationships through cooperation and communication, responsibility and discipline, and building courage and self-esteem.

Participants have an opportunity to meet other parents, share experiences, and receive support and encouragement. The result is improved family communication, increased parenting skills, and enhanced family life.

Contact the program team to find out about the workshop schedule