PEIANC Anti-Racism Challenge 2021: Entry Form
If your entry is accessible online, enter the URL in the form below when prompted. If your entry is not accessible online, please store it on a USB drive, CD or DVD (if in digital format) and drop it off in person or mail it to PEIANC office. Neatly hand-written text (poetry or prose) and hand-made posters are also accepted, and should be either mailed or delivered in person.
NOTE: If you are mailing or delivering your entry in person (hand-written, hand-made or stored on an off-line digital medium), please mark the envelope, not your submission, with your name and your entry title, and either fill in and submit the online form below, or print and neatly fill in the printable entry form and include it with your entry. This is to ensure unbiased blind judging. Do not include your name on your actual submission - if you write your name on your written text, poster, or video, your entry will be disqualified.
Challenge Entry Form
All fields marked with * are required.