PEIANC Anti-Racism Challenge 2021

Challenge Entry Form

Challenge Rules

  1. The entries must reflect an anti-racism theme (not the same as anti-bullying or anti-violence). Entrants are encouraged to explore the meaning of anti-racism prior to developing their submission.
  2. Contestants must be currently enrolled in a school (private or public), or be home-schooled, in Grades 7 to 12 on Prince Edward Island.
  3. Entries must be created in the current academic year (2020-21).
  4. Contestants must complete the official Anti-Racism Challenge Entry Form, online or printed, and submit it along with their entry.
  5. Contestants must not put their name on the actual work submitted. Youth's names should only appear on the entry form that must accompany each submission (this is to enable unbiased, blind judging).
  6. Submit entries one of the following ways:
    1. Online;
    2. By mail or in person to the PEI Association for Newcomers to Canada (PEIANC) at
      49 Water Street, Charlottetown, PEI, C1A 1A3;
    3. By email (PDFs of written work or Dropbox links to videos) to; or
    4. In person to PEI Community Navigators – Central (902-598-7560), Eastern (902-969-5989) and Western (902-853-3636).
  7. Entries must be delivered in person to the PEIANC or to select library locations, mailed and postmarked to PEIANC, emailed, or submitted online no later than February 26th, 2021, 4:30 pm.
  8. Entries for the written category (prose or poetry) must be typed or neatly hand-written. Prose can include short stories, personal essays, letters to the editor, monologues, etc., and poetry can include spoken word or song lyrics.
  9. Posters (original work of the youth artist) may be hand-drawn, painted, or created using a computer program.
  10. Each contestant or group of youth working together may submit no more than one entry in each category.
  11. Entries must be in the following format:
    Prose or Poetry - maximum of 12 pages in 12-point font (no minimum)
    Poster - size 8.5" x 11" or 11" x 17"
    Video - between 90 and 120 seconds in length
  12. Children/dependents of PEIANC employees or members of the PEIANC Board of Directors may not enter the Challenge.
  13. Entries will not be returned unless entrants indicate on the entry form that they wish to pick up their original after judging is complete. In this case, it will be held for pickup.
  14. All entries must be original work. Plagiarised work will be disqualified. PEIANC will not be held responsible for any copyright infringement.
  15. If an insufficient number of entries are received, or if entries do not meet a reasonable standard in the opinion of the judges, PEIANC reserves the right to cancel the competition or to limit the categories.
  16. By submitting an entry to this contest, the contestant gives permission to the PEIANC to use the entry for educational and/or promotional purposes. The entry, the contestants name, grade and school (if applicable) may be publicized. All participants will retain full copyright of their submission(s).
  17. All prize winners will be notified by phone and/or email and the winners list will be available to view online on

Evaluation Criteria

Entries will be judged based on the following criteria:

  • Interpretation of anti-racism theme
  • Artistic merit (originality and creativity)

A panel of three will judge the entries.

Any questions, please contact the coordinator of the Anti-Racism Challenge 2021:

Lisa Dollar

Lisa Dollar
문화 포용 트레이너

이 페이지의 내용은 영어나 불어가 유창한 사람들에게 적합하게 구성되었습니다. 언어에 대한 정보가 필요하면, 연락하기를 누르세요.

With Support From

La Coopérative d'intégration francophone de l'Île-du-Prince-Édouard

프로그램 담당자

Lisa Dollar

Lisa Dollar
문화 포용 트레이너


PEI 이민자 & 난민 서비스협회 - IRSA
49 Water Street
Charlottetown, PE C1A 1A3
지도 및 길 찾기

전화: 902-628-6009
팩스: 902-894-4928

이 페이지의 내용은 영어나 불어가 유창한 사람들에게 적합하게 구성되었습니다. 언어에 대한 정보가 필요하면, 연락하기를 누르세요.