DiverseCity 2019 Participant Application Form

Please fill in and submit the form below if you wish to participate in this year's DiverseCity.

You can choose to participate in one or two, or all three locations (Charlottetown, Montague, Alberton), in a single role or in multiple roles - as a vendor, general volunteer, a group representative, or a performer.

All fields marked with * are required to submit the form.

Contact Information
Personal Information
    • (parental consent form required -- please print and have it signed)
Area(s) of Interest
Are you a real person? (no robots please)
    Please answer the following question:
    What's 2+2?

本页内容仅供英语或法语流利人士使用。如果您需要母语内容的信息,请 联系我们

Hai Nguyen

Hai Nguyen
DiverseCity Event Coordinator

Guide for Newcomers: Culture and Social Life

本页内容仅供英语或法语流利人士使用。如果您需要母语内容的信息,请 联系我们