Get involved: Volunteer on the IRSA Board of Directors

A volunteer Board of Directors governs IRSA. The Board provides strategic and financial oversight for the operations and develops appropriate policies.

The Board consists of three to twelve directors. Each director is elected to serve for a three-year term and may be re-elected for two additional terms.

Regular Board meetings are held once a month from September to June with a possibility of additional meetings, depending on current Board activities. Currently, regular meetings are held on the second Wednesday of each month.

Apply to serve on the Board

For the Board to function smoothly, all members should attend meetings as regularly as possible and participate in the Board's work. If you are interested in serving and ready to take on this commitment, please send us a letter of interest with your resume attached.

Your application to serve on the IRSA Board of Directors should outline:

  • why you wish to serve, and
  • any special skills and qualities that may be of particular interest and benefit to the organization.

Please apply by email.

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Atlantic Region Association of Immigrant Serving Agencies

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