Volunteer Signup Form Please fill in and submit the form bellow to apply to volunteer with Immigrant & Refugee Services Association PEI. Contact Information First Name Last Name Other Name Usedif different from above Email Phone Number Address City/Town Postal Code General Information Gender Female Male Non-binary Trans Other Date of Birth Country of Origin Residency Status in Canada Canadian Citizen Permanent Resident Temporary Resident Level of English Fluent 7 or more 4 to 6 3 or less Other Languagesin order of proficiency Availabilitydays of the week and time when you can volunteer More About You Employmentyour work experience Educationlevel and area of education Hobbies and Interestswhat you like to do in your spare time Cross-Cultural Experiencecultures you experienced other than your own Volunteering Interests Programs and groups for which you want to volunteer click or tap on the links to find out more, or contact the IRSA Volunteer Coordinator for more information Canada Connects Program English-as-an-Additional-Language Tutoring Program DiverseCity Multicultural FestivalVolunteer sign-up starts in spring, events happen in June and July OtherWe sometimes have opportunities to volunteer through other programs at IRSA. Check this box if you would like to discuss the current possibilities. Legal Statements By submitting this form you agree to the following statements I agree to release and hold harmless the Immigrant & Refugee Services Association PEI, its employees and volunteers from actions, causes of actions, claims, suits and legal demands of whatever nature. This applies to any injury, loss or damages sustained while participating in or being transported to or from any of these activities. I am 18 years of age or older, or my parent/guardian filled out and will submit this form on my behalf. I hereby give my consent to receive electronic communications from Immigrant & Refugee Services Association PEI and its staff. Are you a real person? (no robots please) Please answer the following question: What's 2+2? Your answer Submit